Archive for the 'Weather' Category

Vitrified Forts

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

Vitrified forts or, forts where the rock was heated, so much so, that it turned into glass or, had “vitrified”. There seem to be quite a few of these forts.

Robert M. Schoch has an interesting angle on the subject.
Plasma hitting the surface of Earth could heat and fuse rock, incinerate flammable materials, melt ice [...]

The bone yards

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

This article discusses the massive deposits of bones found globaly; fossils of all types of animals, from fish to fowl. It argues, in my opinion rightly so, that the explanations of archeology concerning these fossils are severly lacking.
It only reinstates my belief of a major global upheavel as a result of a pole shift. Perhapes [...]