Archive for July, 2008

Before the Flood, There Was No Moon

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

I had read something about this a few years back and was fascianted by the idea. I had also read stories about the strange things people have witnessed on the moon for several hundred years.
I’ve included two links here: The first one Before the Flood, There Was No Moon discusses the moon as being a [...]

Manipulative Extraterrestrials and Canadian Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Even if you don’t believe in “extraterrestrials” or aliens the article is worth a read.
“Naomi Klein, documents a context of predatory capitalism, where elites are seeking to use natural disasters as a de-stabilization pretext for stealing local natural resources from foreign governments that would otherwise resist such capitalist overtures. Naomi Klein documents a “Reconstruction Industry”, [...]

The Biggest Solar Storm in History …and how it wiped out communications on Earth.

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

It was the 2 September 1859. The clipper ship Southern Cross was off Chile when, at 1:30am, it sailed into a living hell. Hailstones from above and waves from all around whipped the deck. When the wind-lashed ocean spray fell away to leeward, the men noticed they were sailing in an ocean of blood. [...]

Apollo 14 astronaut claims aliens have made contact…

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.

Apollo Astronaut Chats About UFO, Alien Belief


SF to tell Sarkozy there can be no repeat vote

Monday, July 21st, 2008

I wonder what part of “NO” he didn’t understand?
Just proves what I’ve always thought, the man is not the brightest!
In an interview in The Irish Times today, Mr Sarkozy has said he is coming to Ireland to “listen and understand”.
“I need to understand the message that the Irish wanted to convey in voting No to [...]