The year 2012?


If you did a search on the internet on the year 2012 you would get more results than you could read in weeks. What is it with the year 2012?

Well, for one thing that was the end of the Mayans  great count calendar.  Modern predictions for the year range from earthquakes, floods etc. Horror scenarios. Other predictions are that it will be a time when humans evolve a step higher  consciously.

I say that the year 2012 is/was the Mayans measurement of the platonic year,  26,000 years.

Here are some other thoughts/ideas on 2012:

Hopi Predict a 25yr period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.
Mayans Call it the ‘end days’ or the end of time as we know it.
Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds.
Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.
Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical mass of Enlightened Ones.
Incas Call it the ‘Age of Meeting Ourselves Again’.
Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation. Creation of new race.
Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star.
Pueblo Acknowledge it’ll be the emergence into the Fifth World
Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar.
Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age.
Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD