Paris Hilton for President

It’s a shame that Hillary Clinton isn’t running for prez anymore. I feel if anyone were qualified for that position among the contenders, it would have been her. She impressed me as being responsibile, knowledgable and experianced.

Like I said, it’s a shame…

But, all is not lost! There is Paris Hilton, who, I find, has something “sympathisch” about her. That’s why, if I were an american, I would vote for Paris Hilton for President!

“I want America to know that I’m, like, totally ready to lead,” she says. (Watch Paris Hilton’s campaign video)

She then went on to detail her plan to solve the energy crisis:

“We could do limited offshore drilling with strict environmental oversight, while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars,” Hilton says. “That way the offshore drilling carries us until new technologies kick in which will then create new jobs and energy independence.

“Energy crisis solved! I’ll see you at the debates, bitches!”

She signed off by saying she was considering tapping singer-songwriter Rihanna as her vice president.

“I’ll see you at the White House,” Hilton adds. “Oh, and I might paint it pink. Bye!”

No more white house, more like the “pink house”
You can view the video here… Link