Chronology or “How to tell if your history is ok”

     Joseph Justus Scaliger Joseph Justus Scaliger Dionysius Petavius Dionysius Petavius”

There are and have been thinkers that view historical chronology or, time lines, to be incorrect.

For example: According to Heribert Illig we really should be in the year 1714 instead of 2011, because the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582 created a “time hole” of 300 years and Anatoly Fomenko goes so far as to say the chronology is between 300 to 1000 years off!

Whatever the case may be there have been symposia and congresses in academic circles and elsewhere that address this issue of “wrong chronology”.

This website, newchronology, is a good place to start looking into the subject of history and chronology

From there you might want to know some names of some of the people who disagree with today’s chronology of history which you can find here: The New Chronology: The Dark Ages Didn’t Exist.